Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fairy Tale Fun and More in 1M

Fairy Tale Fun!

Once upon a time in class 1M we started our magical Fairy Tale Unit!  We even painted a large castle in our classroom... Read on to hear about what other magical things are going on...

We learned what the elements of a fairy tale are and have been reading many different versions of The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We have compared and contrasted different versions and characters, created STORY maps(setting, talking characters, oops! problem, resolving problem, and yes! solution), and identified the problem and solution and talked about lessons learned.  We also have been participating in Fairy Tale Reader's Theater where the children are able to work on their fluency and reading with expression!  Here are a few of our favorite fractured fairy tales...

Enchanted Author Visit

The author Corey Rosen Schwartz came to visit the Lower School.  She talked to the children about being an author and how authors get their ideas for their stories.  She read her book, The Three Ninja Pigs to the children and she also had volunteers help to act out the story.  She explained how her 3 year old son gave her the idea for her story!  Then Master Kyle Freeman, a Martial Artist, taught the children some Martial Arts moves.  See the pictures below...

 I'll Huff and I'll Puff and I'll Blow your House Down!!!!
We have been reading many versions of The Three Pigs and  working on weather in Science so both First Grade classes got together and did a really fun activity that combined Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(STEM)... First we decided that we wanted to build the pigs a new house and then we came up with a question, which was How can we make a sturdy house for the pigs?  Then we brainstormed a list of possible materials that we already had in our classrooms.  We sketched a picture of what our houses would look like with our group members.  Then we built the homes using playdough, Legos, MegaBlocks, Lincoln Logs, and Connectors.  Here are some pics...

Then we had to test out our houses...
We blew on our houses to act as a gentle breeze and then...

Meet The Big Bad Wolf otherwise known as a hair dryer/bad wind, which we used to try to blow down the houses! and we blew on our houses to act as a gentle breeze...
Luckily all of our houses were sturdy and worked! Hooray!!!!

Fraction Fun!!!
We have been learning all about what a fraction is, identifying fractions, showing fractions, and reading and writing fractions.  Here is a fun activity we did using bubble gum.  The children had to see what fraction of their groups could blow a bubble...