Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spring has Sprung in First Grade!

Read whats new in Class 1M...

Field Day Fun!!!!
We had so much fun participating in the different Field Day events.  

Happy Spring! We had a wonderful day celebrating Earth Day! The whole Lower School enjoyed working in our class gardens.  We have been busy watering and taking care of our plants and we will plant some more during the upcoming weeks.  

Meet the Mealworms!!!

Every First Grader got their very own pet mealworm!  We created a habitat for it, which includes shelter, water, food, air, and space.  We learned about their life cycle and can't wait to see it turn into a beetle!  We did some fun experiments with our mealworms, such as seeing what it would do if the lights went off, water was dropped on it, and if we blew on it.  Here are some pics... more to follow...

Measuring Fun in Math

In Math we have been measuring with nonstandard and standard units(inches and feet).  We have learned how to measure using an inch ruler, tape measure, and non-standard units.  The children have had a blast measuring! They did a fun Measurements of Me activity, had frog races in the hallway, and had fun measuring various items in our classroom. This week we will work on measuring capacity.  

Using a tape measure

Using non-standard units
Frog Races... measuring how far they jumped!

Frog Races


Special Visitor
UN Ambassador Robert Von Lierps came into visit the children. He talked to the children about his job at the United Nations.  He also spoke to them about climate change and education in our country and other parts of the world.  The children really learned a lot.  Thank you to the Zubrycki family for arranging this special visit.

   Cinderella around the World

We have just wrapped up our Cinderella around the World Fairy Tale Unit.  We read many different versions of Cinderella from around the world.  We learned that no matter what country the stories are from, that there are a few common themes.  The children wrote their own versions of Cinderella and took part in the writing process.  We have just finished publishing our stories.  Our Publishing Ball will be on Monday, June 9th from 8:30 to 9:20 a.m.  An invitation was sent home last week.  Hope to see you there.  The children worked really hard on their stories and they are truly enchanting.

Here are some of the versions that we enjoyed reading in class.

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Some Star Student Pictures...